Colussi Zuppalatte - 250 g


Tax included

€9,64 per kg
Colussi cookies have been produced since 1911 and are made with light, low-fat ingredients. This dry cookie is made with 70% less fat and is appreciated for its natural taste. They are especially good for dunking in combination with a cup of milk or coffee.

Zutaten: WEIZENmehl, Zucker, Sonnenblumenöl, Triebmittel: Ammoniumhydrogencarbonat, Natriumhydrogencarbonat, Glucosesirup, MILCHprotein, Dextrose, MagerMILCHpulver, Emulgator: SOJAlecithin, Salz, Aroma. Es kann EIER enthalten.

Energie/ Energia/ Energy – 1807 kJ / 428 kcal
Fett/ Grassi/ Fat – 9,2 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/ di cui acidi grassi saturi – 1,1 g
Kohlenhydrate/ Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate – 76 g
davon Zucker/ di cui zuccheri/ of which sugars – 24 g
Eiweiß/ Proteine/ Protein – 9 g
Salz/ Sale/ Salt – 0,72 g