Caponata Siciliana - 280 g


Tax included

£21.43 per kg

Sicilian Caponata is a typical Sicilian dish, prepared according to the original recipe and with high quality ingredients. With this product you can enjoy the true flavour of traditional Sicilian cuisine, with its typical and delicious combination of vegetables and ingredients. A 100% taste explosion, straight from Sicily.

Chef's advice:

Can be served as an appetiser or can be used to enrich your pasta

Melanzane fresche 25% IT, peperoni freschi 25% IT, polpa di pomodoro 20% IT, carote, sedano, uva sultanina,pinoli,capperi, cipolla, aceto di vino, zucchero, olio di semi di girasole, olio extra vergine di oliva.

Frische Auberginen 25% i.Tr., frische Paprika 25% i.Tr., Tomatenfruchtfleisch 20% i.Tr., Karotten, Sellerie, Sultaninen, Pinienkerne, Kapern, Zwiebeln, Weinessig, Zucker, Sonnenblumenöl, natives Olivenöl extra.

Fresh aubergines 25% IT, fresh peppers 25% IT, tomato pulp 20% IT, carrots, celery, sultanas, pine nuts, capers, onion, wine vinegar, sugar, sunflower oil, extra virgin olive oil.

Je/ per 100 g
Energie/ Energie/ Energie – 389 kJ / 93 kcal
Fett/ Fett/ Fett – 6,4 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/ of which gesättigte Fettsäuren – 0,7 g
Kohlenhydrate/ Carbohydrate/ Carbohydrate – 6,9 g
davon Zucker/ davon Zucker/ davon Zucker – 5,3 g
Eiweiß/ Protein/ Protein – 1 g
Salz / Salz / Salz – 1,07 g