Ariosto Insaporatore per Patate Fritte e Arrosto con Sale Iodato - 80 g

£3.00 £4.00 Save £1

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£3.75 per 100g

Whatever the quality of the potato, Ariosto for fried and roast potatoes with iodized salt is always the ideal touch for all potato dishes and side dishes.

Ingredienti: sale marino iodato, aglio, rosmarino, salvia, ginepro, basilico, maggiorana, origano, alloro, coriandolo, prezzemolo e piante aromatiche.

Zutaten: jodiertes Meersalz, Knoblauch, Rosmarin, Salbei, Wacholder, Basilikum, Majoran, Oregano, Lorbeerblatt, Koriander, Petersilie und Kräuter.

Je/ per 100 g
Energie/ Energia/ Energy-- 179 kJ / 43 kcal
Fett/ Grassi/ Fat-- 1,03g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/ di cui acidi grassi saturi-- 0,32g
Kohlenhydrate/ Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate-- 7,01g
davon Zucker/ di cui zuccheri/ of which sugars-- 1,69g
Eiweiß/ Proteine/ Protein-- 1,39g
Salz/ Sale/ Salt-- 82g