Kraft Sottilette Classiche - 175 g

26,00 kr 29,00 kr Save 3 kr

Tax included

148,57 kr per kg

The unique and unmistakable taste of Sottilette

comes from a careful selection of cheese Emmenthal from Germany, which, after careful inspection, is cut and mixed with the other ingredients called for in the recipe to make a homogeneous, slightly grainy paste that is then melted at a temperature of 85 to 90 degrees Celsius.

This produces a soft cream that is spread on a transparent film to form a thin strip of melted cheese.
The long strip is allowed to cool and cut into slices that are individually wrapped and then arranged in the various packages.

They are prepared without preservatives or added polyphosphates and are a good source
of calcium. In addition, being gluten-free they are suitable for the diet of people with celiac disease.

ZUTATEN: KÄSE (EMMENTAL- und KURZKÄSE), Magermilchkonzentrat, Ballaststoffe (3%), Schmelzsalze (Natriumcitrate), MILCHEiweiß, Salz, Säureregulator (Milchsäure), Butterfett. GLUTENFREI.

INGREDIENTI: PFORMAGGI (EMMENTAL e FORMAGGIO a breve stagionatura), LATTE scremato concentrato, fibre (3%), sali di fusione (citrati di sodio), proteine del LATTE, sale, correttore di acidità (acido lattico), burro concentrato. SENZA GLUTINE.

Energie/ Energia/ Energy - 938 kJ / 225 kcal
Fett/ Grassi/ Fat – 14 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/ di cui acidi grassi saturi – 9,2 g
Kohlenhydrate/ Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate – 4,2 g
davon Zucker/ di cui zuccheri/ of which sugars – 4,2 g
Eiweiß/ Proteine/ Protein – 18 g
Salz/ Sale/ Salt – 3,11 g